This Release of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue is directed only to Smith students who will be participating in off-campus internships. References to Smith College include the college, its trustees, employees, volunteers, agents and assignees. References to the host agency include the organization or institution where you will be performing your internship, its trustees or directors, employees, volunteers, agents and assignees. References to the internship include the host agency and any housing, transportation or other aspects of daily life associated with your participation in the internship. As a condition of participating in your internship through the host agency, you agree to the following terms:
I understand that participating in an off-campus internship may involve certain heightened risks, which Smith College cannot anticipate, change or improve. I understand that these risks include but are not limited to:
Temporary or permanent personal injury or illness which may occur as a result of participating in an activity or contact with physical surroundings, equipment or other persons; such injury or illness may be minor or severe, and could be disabling or fatal.
Inexperience or unfamiliarity with this type of internship, the work environment, or the location.
Financial, legal, and/or reputational harm resulting from my actions during my participation in the internship.
Exposure to or contracting sickness or disease, including but not limited to the novel coronavirus COVID-19.
Loss of personal property or personal injury as a result of a crime or criminal act by third parties, riot, violence, war or terrorism.
With knowledge of these risks and others not specified herein, I irrevocably and unconditionally WAIVE and RELEASE Smith College from any claims related to my person and property, including but not limited to disability or death, arising in connection with my participation in an off-campus internship through Smith College to the fullest extent permitted by law. This release covers any and all claims against Smith College including but not limited to negligence and/or failure to supervise. This release forever binds me, my family, estate, and/or heirs.
In consideration of Smith College’s support of the off-campus internship I COVENANT NOT TO SUE and agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Smith College from any and all claims, demands, losses or costs of any nature arising out of or in any way relating to my participation in the off-campus internship.
I will be solely responsible for any loss or damage, including disability or death, which I sustain or cause, whether in whole or in part, while participating in an off-campus internship and that by this agreement I am relieving Smith College of any and all liability for such loss, damage, disability or death.
I acknowledge that this is a legally binding agreement. I certify that I have fully read and understand this Release of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue, that I am signing it freely and voluntarily, and that I am 18 years of age or older and competent to sign this agreement on my own behalf.