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Internship Application
Use this form to begin your Application for Summer 2025. 
About You

Please use your legal first name as it exists on your student record.

We will use this name in correspondence with you if it varies from your first name.  

What is your smith 99 number?

Please do not use personal email.

Permanent Address

International Students: please list the address for your country of residency. 

Degree Details

Start typing the name of your major or intended major.

Start typing the name of your major or intended major.
Visa Status

Please use your visa status at the time of this application.

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Application Information

Description of Application types:

1) Praxis (or Praxis Plus)
For those who seek internship funding ONLY (no credit)

2) Praxis with Credit (or Praxis Plus with Credit) 

For those who want to combine Praxis funding with Internship Credit (IDP 117)

3) Internship Credit 

For those seeking credit ONLY for their internship (IDP 117)

Note: Praxis Plus supports a second Praxis internship associated with Smith concentrations. In order to qualify, an undergraduate student must have previously used a Praxis grant to support the first internship associated with the concentration.


To qualify, rising Sophomores must have least 32 credits; rising Juniors at least 64 credits; rising Seniors at least 96 credits (by the end of the spring semester). Rising sophomores with credit shortages are not eligible. 

Any student who anticipates a credit shortage must receive permission from their Class Dean, emailed to praxis@smith.edu.

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Internship Details

Organization Address

Numbers only.

Supervisor Information

Upon submission of your application,  your Supervisor will receive a required Supervisor Confirmation Form, which confirms the internship offer and describes internship duties and supervision. 
Internship Details

Whole numbers only, no dashes or special characters.

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Concentration Sign-off

If applying for Praxis Plus, your internship must be associated with a concentration.
As a requirement of your application, you must must obtain Faculty sign-off from your Concentration Faculty Adviser.

Concentration Faculty Advisor

Using submission of your application, your Concentration Faculty Adviser  will recieve a required Faculty Advisor Sign-Off Form. 

Concentration Director

Upon submission of your application, your Concentration Director will receive a required Concentration Director Form, which confirms your eligibility for Praxis Plus.  

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Liberal Arts or Major Adviser Sign-off

As a requirement of your application, you must communicate your internship plans to your Faculty Adviser, and obtain their sign off.

Upon submission of your application, we will send a unique link to the Faculty Sign off Form to your adviser, along with a copy of your Written statements. (Note, for Credit-only, we will send your Supervisor's form responses to your Faculty Adviser)

Your Faculty Adviser must submit a completed form in order for your application to be considered ready for review.

The Faculty Sign-Off form will also include your written statements, which you will complete later in this application.  Their submission of the Faculty Sign-Off form is required for your application to be considered complete and ready for review.
This form will also include information from your completed Supervisor's form.  The return of the Faculty Sign-Off form is required for your application to be considered complete and ready for review.

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Funding & Payments

This field accepts numbers only. No letters or special characters are accepted.

Numbers only (no letters)

If you have been awarded other Smith Funding (NOT PRAXIS) for this internship, indicate in the space provided below the fund name, department, and amount awarded. 

By default, Praxis stipends are Direct Deposited into the account you set up in Workday.

If you do not have Direct Deposit set up at the time the check is issued, your stipend will be sent to your Permanent Address, as it appears in Workday.

If you do not have Direct Deposit, and do not want your stipend sent to your Permanent Address, please indicate below where you’d like to receive your check.

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Written Statements

Carefully and thoughtfully complete Written Statements in the space provided. 
A minimum of 300 words per question is required.
Your written statements should reflect a deep understanding of the internship you've accepted, and show us how you've prepared to have a successful, meaningful internship experience. It should be apparent to us that you've spoken at length with your supervisor about your responsibilities and schedule. Do you and your supervisor have a mutual understanding of your duties? Does your internship meet the criteria required for Praxis funding? 

The question prompts may lead to redundant answers. That's OK; we know that there may be some overlap. And while we do not count words, we do feel that approximately 300 words are required to adequately answer the questions.

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Release of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue 

This Release of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue is directed only to Smith students who will be participating in off-campus internships. References to Smith College include the college, its trustees, employees, volunteers, agents and assignees. References to the host agency include the organization or institution where you will be performing your internship, its trustees or directors, employees, volunteers, agents and assignees. References to the internship include the host agency and any housing, transportation or other aspects of daily life associated with your participation in the internship.  As a condition of participating in your internship through the host agency, you agree to the following terms:

I understand that participating in an off-campus internship may involve certain heightened risks, which Smith College cannot anticipate, change or improve. I understand that these risks include but are not limited to:

  • Temporary or permanent personal injury or illness which may occur as a result of participating in an activity or contact with physical surroundings, equipment or other persons; such injury or illness may be minor or severe, and could be disabling or fatal.

  • Inexperience or unfamiliarity with this type of internship, the work environment, or the location.

  • Financial, legal, and/or reputational harm resulting from my actions during my participation in the internship.

  • Exposure to or contracting sickness or disease, including but not limited to the novel coronavirus COVID-19.

  • Loss of personal property or personal injury as a result of a crime or criminal act by third parties, riot, violence, war or terrorism.

With knowledge of these risks and others not specified herein, I irrevocably and unconditionally WAIVE and RELEASE Smith College from any claims related to my person and property, including but not limited to disability or death, arising in connection with my participation in an off-campus internship through Smith College to the fullest extent permitted by law. This release covers any and all claims against Smith College including but not limited to negligence and/or failure to supervise. This release forever binds me, my family, estate, and/or heirs.

In consideration of Smith College’s support of the off-campus internship I COVENANT NOT TO SUE and agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Smith College from any and all claims, demands, losses or costs of any nature arising out of or in any way relating to my participation in the off-campus internship.

I will be solely responsible for any loss or damage, including disability or death, which I sustain or cause, whether in whole or in part, while participating in an off-campus internship and that by this agreement I am relieving Smith College of any and all liability for such loss, damage, disability or death.

I acknowledge that this is a legally binding agreement. I certify that I have fully read and understand this Release of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue, that I am signing it freely and voluntarily, and that I am 18 years of age or older and competent to sign this agreement on my own behalf.

Code of Conduct Agreement

  1. I understand that I am acting as an ambassador of Smith College to my host organization and I agree to act respectfully and professionally throughout my internship. 
  2. I will follow my host organization’s rules and regulations (e.g., hours of work, holidays, dress code, etc.) 
  3. I will be dependable, considerate, honest, trustworthy, and cooperative when dealing with others. 
  4. I will immediately notify the Lazarus Center if any change in my internship status is anticipated, or if a serious dilemma arises. 
  5. I will not engage in conducting personal business during work hours. 
  6. I will be punctual. 
  7. I will strive to complete all assignments and responsibilities in a reliable and efficient manner. 
  8. I will strive to maintain and enhance my personal effectiveness by improving my skills and acquiring new knowledge. 
  9. I will seek feedback from my supervisor(s), and strive to improve my performance.

Praxis Funding Agreement

Read carefully and confirm below:
1. If awarded Praxis funding, I accept the Praxis stipend with the full intention of completing the internship and all Praxis program requirements. 2. I confirm that I've provided accurate information regarding other funding I am receiving in support of this internship.
3. If emergency circumstances arise and I am unable to complete my internship, I will contact the Lazarus Center before leaving my internship or, if not possible, immediately after I leave and I will return a prorated amount of the stipend to Smith College based on hours confirmed by my supervisor.
4. If I withdraw from Smith College at any point after receiving a Praxis grant, I will be charged the full amount of my Praxis stipend.
5. I will regularly check my Smith College email account for communications regarding my Praxis grant.
6. I will receive the remaining $200 of my Praxis stipend after I have submitted a Final Activity Report and after my internship supervisor has submitted a Verification of Internship Completion. Students receiving Praxis with Credit must also submit a Final Reflective Essay. These items must be submitted by August 31, 2025.
Failure to provide all required documents to the Lazarus Center by August 31, 2025 will result in my being charged the full amount of my Praxis stipend and/or forfeiture of the final $200 payment.  

Industry and Job Function

Please select the industry and job function that best describes your employer and role.
First select a broad industry group, then your specific job function.

Click REVIEW and carefully check your responses for accuracy.
On the next page, you will need to click CONFIRM to officially submit your application.