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Jandon Center

Project for Women and Social Change Funding Application

Your Information - Requester (Applicant/Primary Faculty Host)
This person needs to be a full-time faculty member or long-term teaching staff. Other co-applicants should be listed below. 

Co-applicants may include Smith community members such as postdoctoral fellows and non-tenure track lecturers.
Co-Applicant Information

Project for Women and Social Change Funding Application

Department Chair Information

Academic Assistant/Program Assistant Information

When this application is submitted, a copy of your responses will be received by your  academic/program assistant, along with the following email message: 

You are receiving this email because a member of your department is applying for funding via the Project for Women and Social Change at Smith College. Attached to this email is a full copy of their application. 


If you have any logistical questions about this email, please contact Nancy Zigler at the Jandon Center for Community Engagement (nzigler@smith.edu). 


The Project for Women and Social Change Committee

When this application is submitted, a copy of your responses will be received by your department chair and academic/program assistant, along with the following email message: 

You are receiving this email because a member of your department is applying for funding via the Project for Women and Social Change at Smith College. Attached to this email is a full copy of their application. 


As the department chair, please confirm that you are in support of this application submission.


If you have any logistical questions about this email, please contact Nancy Zigler at the Jandon Center for Community Engagement (nzigler@smith.edu). 


The Project for Women and Social Change Committee

Project for Women and Social Change Funding Application

e.g. Curriculum Vitae of keynotes speaker or workshop leader, more detailed summary of complex events, etc.

Project for Women and Social Change Funding Application

It is important for you to anticipate all expenses for your event(s). Please review line item limits here

Please note that if a multi-year award is made, an updated budget sheet will be submitted each year for a maximum of three years of disbursed funds. Please add budget numbers  for Year 1, Year 2 and up to Year 3 if submitting for a multi-year project.